Tuning Fork

Available frequency:
78 Hz 
93.06 Hz
111 Hz
128 Hz
136.1 Hz

The resonance is really intense and lasts about 4 minutes.



We recommend purchasing the tuning fork with an activator for optimal sound quality. Alternatively, a simple rubber mallet can also be used.



Ozone 78 Hz

We can all recall the smell of the air after a storm – the clean smell of ozone. What does ozone actually do for us? Its three oxygen atoms cause instability but can bind to viruses and bacteria. Not only does it destroy them, but it also prevents their reproduction. That is why scientists are studying it with the healing of tumours and AIDS. I am pleased that we can use the properties of ozone whenever we need them, even among tuning forks. The frequency just above 78 Hz is exactly what produces ozone in the body, and thus:

    • stimulates the production of white blood cells
    • increases the flexibility and elasticity of red blood cells and blood vessels
    • enhances the body's immune system
    • useful in colds, flu, sore throats, sinus infections, etc.
    • relieves spasms
    • ozone is effective against all types of fungi - mycoses
    • prevents the reproduction of abnormal cells in the body
    • this tuning fork can also be used to purify spaces from pathogens.

It could help with:
Canker sores, Acne, Allergy, Arteriosclerosis, Arthritis, Asthma, Bacterial infection, Lyme disease, Body detox, Fever, Back - pain, spasms, Flu, Immunity, Blood, Menopause, Hormonal balance, Swelling, Skin - regeneration (rejuvenation), Sinuses - inflammation, congestion, Insect bites, Viruses, Middle ear infection,


93.06 Hz

It is 12 times the Schumann frequency of 7.83 Hz - the fundamental frequency of the planet Earth.


111 Hz

111 Hz is known to have a strong regenerative potential. It acts as a rejuvenating frequency for cells and is also called a high consciousness or holy frequency.

It is the average resonant frequency of neolithic monuments archaeologically tested by Cambridge University.
And what else? Thanks to MRI, we know that it stimulates the right brain cortex and helps us, among other things, stimulate creativity, intuition, meditative state, achieve the "zero" point, and connect with the Universe.
111 Hz also helps materialise thoughts.

It could help with:
Pain, Memory, Backache, Spasms, Meditation, Insomnia, Hemisphere - balance, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, Autism, Diabetic Macular Oedema, Down Syndrome, General cell Regeneration, Concentration, Alzheimer's and Asperger Syndrome.

OT 128 Hz

It's time to introduce another tuning fork from the OT family.

OT 128 Hz has excellent effects on releasing the cervical spine, cranial sutures, and stimulating facial points.

It also excellently releases clogged sinuses and works well in the chest and sacral regions. It helps with carpal tunnel syndrome, promotes relaxation, improves memory, strengthens sexual functions, supports fertility, and reduces inflammation.

This tuning fork is suitable for children from the age of four. It is used in vibrational acupressure and in adults when working with meridians and acupuncture points. It is also suitable for listening.

It could help with:
Osteoarthritis, Pain, Back - pain, spasms, Spine - discs, Carpal tunnel, Blood, Insomnia, Osteoporosis, Muscle regeneration, Middle ear infection, Periodontitis, Fertility, PMS, Sinuses - inflammation, congestion, Hearing regeneration, General inflammation, Fractures, Multiple Sclerosis,


Om 136,10 Hz

Have you noticed that fear is a big topic these days? Many of us are often tempted to fight against it. What if we choose a different strategy? Let's focus on what we wish for and what makes us happy and support the love within us.

A few words about the sound OM fit beautifully with this topic. The ancient OM is considered the primordial sound that contains all other sounds and is their mother. It could be said that it is the frequency of our soul.

Repeating OM has a strong therapeutic effect and allows us to maintain mental and emotional calm. It is primarily used for the heart chakra and chest area. The vibration of OM is relaxing and invigorating. It deepens breathing, relaxes the body from tension, and helps with concentration and pain treatment.

This tuning fork | om136.1 is suitable for meditation, working with energies, before an important work meeting, and after severe mental exhaustion

Its vibration calms and cleans the entire energy system. Due to these effects, it is also suitable for calming hyperactive children, problems with learning and concentration, working with autistic individuals, mental problems, stress, fear, and nervousness.
It has a very calming effect and releases various fears and phobias that can lead to aggressive behaviour. 

It could help with:
Pain, Depression, Phobias, Meditation, Insomnia, Fear, Self-confidence, Analysis, Overthinking, Stress, Tension, Vitality - support, General inflammation, Space harmonisation,


