Massage under tension

Massage therapy is usually applied on relaxed bodies. However, massage under tension (expanding or stretching) has a new quality! When massaged under tension, we manually help expand and stretch the tissue, especially the fasciae. Surprisingly, it also effectively relaxes the fibres of muscles and tendons. Massaging under tension is very intense.  When you taste the […]

Fluid being & Flow

Energies flow freely if our bodies are open – expanded, and relaxed. On the other hand, condensing power creates tension, stagnates and restricts flows. These qualities affect practically all the flows: waves of kinetic energy, the flow of vital energy, the flow of breathing, blood, lymph, etc. The same is valid for flow as a […]

Focused and Expanded Awareness 

  Our awareness and attention are not straightforward;  we cannot simply deposit them into a dual system. To explain it, we simplify them in a spectrum between focused and expanded awareness, from which we gush forth focused and expanded attention. Nowadays, when we use the term ‘attention’, we usually mean ‘focused attention’… Focused awareness: Logical […]

Supple or rigid body construction

  There are two ways to build a strong body construction… The first one is building up by shrinking and tensing up. This construction is rigid. It could be firm like stone, but it also can be brittle, like a mud house.   The second one is building up by expanding. Then, our bodies are […]

Focused & Peripheral Vision

    Vision is the closest physical aspect linked to our mind. It follows that vision is a helpful tool to switch between focused and expanded awareness.   A focused vision leads to focused awareness.   Peripheral vision leads to expanded awareness. With focused (tunnel) vision, you can see sharp details of a small point. […]

Power of Tensegrity

 In essence, two mechanical systems can maintain weight: 1. compression – bracing – bracing maintains your posture primarily via the bones, joints and discs. 2. tension – hanging – hanging maintains your posture via our fasciae, tendons and muscles – tensegrity.   Tensegrity helps to hold your body weight. In addition, functional tensegrity decompresses your […]

Add power of Expansion

Our soft tissue (especially fasciae) exhibits different qualities depending on our emotional state. In a state of fear, the fasciae condense. When you are happy, the fasciae usually expands. However, we can consciously control the expansion and condensing of the quality of our tissue. We can add the power of conscious expanding tissue from the […]

How to expand without Pravilo?

From outside – suspending There are many ways to suspend. We can use a bar, branch, wall, ground, or bone structure. We have a whole program about how to suspend.   From inside – muscle contraction We expand with the desire to touch as far as possible with some part of our bodies. In the […]


Sqeesed Spirit in shrank body and closed mind is weak. With expanding body and mind is the grooving power of Spirit. It helps to find the power to live according to heart. Vital energy flows much better into the relaxed and expanded body and mind. We are happier and more enthusiastic. So, as we see, the mental effect of […]


Pravilo usually pulls our bodies symmetrically from every limb. The body naturally flows most efficiently into the space between the attachments. Pravilo balances the whole myofascial body (e.g. shortens/ loosens and weak/ strong tissue). (E.g. I had a hip injury, and all the tissue around my hips was shrinking. I couldn’t stay straight; it made my […]