How does Expanding affect your mind and emotions?
- Opens the mind and heart
- Induces positive emotions as happiness and flow
- Helps accept new things
- Opens for collaboration
- Expands senses and intuition
- Helps maintain a youthful mindset
- De-stresses
How does Expanding affect your body?
- It:
- Improves the ability to adapt - flexibility, suppleness
- Improves freedom of movement
- Develops expanding power
- Stimulates the flow of vital energy
- Relaxes
- Decompresses spinal disks and joints
- Strengthens tendons and joints
- Balances the whole myofascial body
- Activates self-healing
- It reaches places we can’t normally access
How does Expanding affect your mind and emotions?
- It:
- Opens the mind and heart
- Induces positive emotions as happiness and flow
- Helps accept new things
- Opens for collaboration
- Expands senses and intuition
- Helps maintain a youthful mindset
- De-stresses