Život v otvorení – Bratislava 12.1.2025
. . Bratislava LaMond Nevädzová 4, 82101 Bratislava Nedeľa 12. januára ’24 10.00 – 17.00 Cieľom kurzu je uvedomiť si silu uzatvárania / zmršťovania a vedome sa naučiť otvárať / expandovať. Tento aspekt má kľúčový vplyv na kvalitu tvojho tela, mysle a emócií. Bez povedomia o tomto aspekte máme tendenciu sa nadmerne uzatvárať, v dôsledku čoho sme náchylnejší trpieť stresom, strachom, napätím, chorobami, tuhneme, strácame pružnosť a rýchlejšie starneme. Telo, myseľ a srdce sa uzatvárajú a tvrdnú. Ak sa však vedome dokážeš otvoriť, uvoľníš sa, a tvoja myseľ aj srdce sa viac otvoria. Život sa ľahšie napĺňa zdravím, odvahou a stáva sa krajším a radostnejším… Pohyb je ľahký, efektívny a prirodzene graciózny. Uvoľneným, otvoreným telom voľnejšie prúdi životná energia. Expanzia postoju tvorí tensegritu, ktora chrani naše kĺby a platničky. Na kurze si na vlastnej koži precítime, ako na nás obe kvality vplývajú, a naučíme sa praktické cvičenia a meditácie na prácu s nimi. Vedomosti o otvorení a uzavretí vychádzajú zo Slovansko-Vědskej tradície, ktorá prežila v Kozáctve. Sila vedomej expanzie a zmršťovania je známa aj ako záhadná sila „Chi“ – základ čínskeho Chi Kungu. PS: Jedná sa o silu Ducha, ktorá nás povznáša z bahna, nadľahčuje a ťahá ku Hviezdam. Preto sme vstali zo štyroch na dve nohy… Zo zatuhnutých tiel (a myslí) sa pod jej vplyvom stávajú telá tekuté. Vývoj pokračuje k vzletnému bytiu, tvorenom Vnútorným Ohňom a Svetlom Poznania (Soma/Kristus). . Doporučený príspevok: 45 € (uhradiť však môžeš koľko uznáš za vhodné) Názov účtu: Tibor Moravcik BIC: TRWIBEB1XXX IBAN: BE70 9670 7048 6125 . Tento kurz je súčasťou kurzu pre Pravilo Inštruktorov.K dispozícii bude možnosť vyskúšať si Pravilo. . Viac vedomosť o koncepte: Život v otvorení Pravilo . Tibi Láska Moravčík Študujem a preciťujem Život cez pohyb. Hrám sa s jednotlivými aspektmi, definujem princípy, na ktorých fungujú a spájam ich do jedného holistického obrazu. Synergizujem vedomosti z bojových umení, tanca, fyzioterapie, Chi Kungu, najmä však z hlbokého poznávania seba samého… Inštruktor Slovanskej Systemy a Kozáckej tradície Pravilo terapia Tanečník Fyzio & Masáže Sifu Wing Chun Kung Fu Majster Slovenska v Karate, 2002 Majster Slovenska v Kick Boxe, 2000 Spolutvorca Véda.one Čítaj viac o Tibim… Pre viac info kontaktuj Tibiho: +447788538272 (Whatsapp a Telegram) wtibor@yahoo.co.uk Prihlás sa: wtibor@yahoo.co.uk +447788538272 (mobil/Whatsapp/Telegram)
Expand your awareness to be more alive

How would your life be without senses? Why would consciousness incarnate into matter if it couldn’t be experienced through the senses? One crucial quality of life is the ability to respond to stimuli. Life can respond to environmental changes, and this responsiveness involves sensory perception. The quality of our senses defines the quality of our life. What if you had a more sensitive perception? How would you enjoy food if you lost your sense of taste, and how if you have a very delicate taste? How would you experience a beautiful sunset with sharp vision compared to partial blindness? Or, how would you enjoy movement (whether dancing, playing sports, or simply walking) if you had a heightened awareness of your movement through inner senses (such as proprioception, kinesthetic sense, interoception, and vestibular senses)? How can we develop our senses? We improve muscles by exercising them, strengthen memory by remembering, and enhance our sensory awareness through focused attention. Pay full attention to your food; enjoy it, and you may even improve your sense of taste. Focus on your sense of touch, and you’ll likely improve it. For example, my tactile sensitivity improved dramatically after I became a massage therapist. When I began walking barefoot, my feet became much more sensitive, and my awareness expanded immensely to connect with the ground. The same applies to our inner senses: by feeling the flow of kinetic energy, we learn to move with smoother, more efficient grace. Similarly, we can probably develop all our senses. Enhance your senses to elevate your life and enjoy it more profoundly. Expand your awareness to be more alive. PS: There are also other crucial aspects of your life, especially your mind and transcendental life, like fantasy, visualisation, inner creativity, dreaming, etc.
Massage under tension

Massage therapy is usually applied on relaxed bodies. However, massage under tension (expanding or stretching) has a new quality! When massaged under tension, we manually help expand and stretch the tissue, especially the fasciae. Surprisingly, it also effectively relaxes the fibres of muscles and tendons. Massaging under tension is very intense. When you taste the efficiency of synergised expanding (or stretching) and massage, it’s hard to resist and do not combine it! The Pravilo device gives the body a wide range of unique expanding and stretching positions. So, a therapist can pay full attention to massage therapy under tension.
Uplifting Energy

Between Sky and Earth by Tibi Moravcik Flow Our posture can be created as stiff and solid as a tree. It is not a good idea to be rigid like wood. It’s much healthier to have a fluid quality in the body and mind, to be relaxed, soft – and flow like water and flicker like fire. Read more about liquid power… Liquid Power Uplift However, we stay. We do not passively hang on the skeleton like jellyfish or melting ice cream! We understand how the gravitational force pulls our physical bodies down, but which force pulls us up??? It’s Vital energy. Spirit. Light. In Vedic culture, it is called Puruṣha. This Inner Fire is known as Yang energy, Chi (Qi) or Ki, Kundalini… In Slavic culture, it is called Zhiva*. We understand fire, and we can easily visualise the quality of fire; therefore, we will call this quality Inner Fire. This Inner Fire gives life to every animal; it pulls all plants up to the sky. Inner Fire pulls us up, similar to how fire lifts a hot air balloon… So, we acted upon two main forces: Gravity pulls us down, and Inner Fire pulls us up. The Fire is lifting us, and we wave with our bodies as the wind waves a flag… A relaxed, flowing body posture directly affects your emotions. You will believe in yourself- your feelings; you will see your life more positively, etc. We don’t need to exert special effort; we just relax and let the Inner Fire create our postures. We can feel how the Inner Fire lifts our bodies if we are sensitive. A better position increases Inner Fire, pulling you up more… Letting the Inner Fire lift you up creates a virtuous circle. We desire to flow up the same way that fish swim… We don’t just swim horizontally, but vertically up to the sky… Let it flow Inner Fire flows better through a relaxed, straight body. We tend to passively hang down on the skeleton; we do not use the Inner Fire to lift us! A collapsed position causes deformation of our posture and is often a cause of a backache. In a collapsed position, the flow of the Inner Fire is restricted – we have less vital energy – Inner Fire, we trust ourselves less, we are ‘down’. In hanging position, via a screwed body, we are like a fireplace with a blocked chimney. A good chimney creates a draft to pull the fire upwards. Therefore, we must keep a nice, straight, relaxed position. The Inner Fire flows nicely and easily via the nice straight body. Also, undesirable tension restricts not just our movements; it restricts the flow of Inner Fire. Tension makes our ‘chimney’ narrower. Read more about Inner Fire… Inner Fire Balance The Inner Fire helps you automatically flow to your optimum balance without active movement. Read more about Active and Passive Movement… Active and Passive Movements Expand like fire You can expand like fire. Expand is the opposite force to condense force which creates stress. Inner Fire expanding us to the sky improves our tensegrity and lowers the pressure on our discs and joints. Read more about Tensgity… Tensegrity Read more about Expand & Condense… Expand & Condense Where does the concept of Inner Fire come from? I learned the concept of vital Inner Fire from the Cossack masters. Old Slavic culture and philosophy are preserved in the Cossack tradition. Traditional Slavic culture (before the spread of Christianity) comes from Vedic culture. The aspect in Slavic culture is called ‘Zhiva’* and is called ‘Purusha’ in Sanskrit; in English, we would call it Inner Fire or Light, Spirit. In Vedic culture, life is created by Purusha and Prakrti. Purusha is the energy of Inner Fire, Light or Spirit which lifts matter (Prakṛti). This is how Fire and Matter together create Life… The Path of the Cossack is the path of the Light… Cossacks let the Inner Fire uplift them and make them lighter. Therefore, Cossacks have a different quality of body; subsequently, Cossacks flow and move so lightly… We are lucky that today, the Cossack culture is open to us, and we can follow Cossacks on the path of Light and be pulled by Zhiva to the sky… In martial arts, dance, etc., we can see which works with Inner Fire and which works on a solid mechanical basis… *ZHIVA (Živa/Жива), DIVA, SIVA – zhee-vah | dee-vah | see-vah) from Slavic “zhiv” = alive; “zhivot” = life. Goddess of life, birth, spring, fertility and love. She embodies the universal vital powers and brings live-giving forces. Read more about Veda… Where Veda comes from? Read more about related aspects… Flow of balance The Flow of Balance in a Fight Accept or Resist Focused & Expanded Awareness Aspects of movement Try online classes… Do it
Fluid being & Flow

Energies flow freely if our bodies are open – expanded, and relaxed. On the other hand, condensing power creates tension, stagnates and restricts flows. These qualities affect practically all the flows: waves of kinetic energy, the flow of vital energy, the flow of breathing, blood, lymph, etc. The same is valid for flow as a mental state of mind. Therefore, being aware of expanding and condensing powers is beneficial if you want to be fluid. If you are relaxed enough, you can flow like water. Nay, you can flow like a flame! The fire quality can help us hold our body mass and strengthen tensegrity. It uplifts us and makes our movements even lighter, smoother and more efficient. Life with flow is easier, happier and healthier. The quality of fire can also automatically bring us to a balanced position. We can have a fluid body without expanding and ‘fire quality’; however, a body like this is much heavier. The expanded, relaxed body could be very soft and adaptable. The wave of kinetic energy and another flow streams freely via that body. We much more easily harmonise and synchronise with our surroundings. Kinetic energy could work for you or against you. If you accept kinetic energy, it can power your movement – you can surf on the wave of kinetic energy. If we can’t work with kinetic energy, we tend to absorb it with muscle power and move just by muscles. Many of us believe that strength is pressure (tension). However, real power comes from softness. When you are relaxed, expanded, and soft, you are more sensitive and can quickly change the direction of your movement. In the same way, as pressure makes diamonds, it crystallises tissue. Every tension is written into our tissue in the form of crystallisation. That process is one of the most characteristic parts of getting old. Crystallisation restricts our movements and often causes pain. Therefore, it’s crucial to avoid undesirable tension and stress-condensing power. And actively decrystallize our tissue. The best ways to decrystallize are expanding, waving movements and massage. The quality of your body is a reflection of the quality of your mind. To have a fluid body, you need a fluid mind! The fluid mind doesn’t have expectations; it can be in the present. If you let your body and intuition react instead of rational mind, your movement will be much quicker. Actually, you would flow instead of reacting. Read More…
Supple or rigid body construction

There are two ways to build a strong body construction… The first one is building up by shrinking and tensing up. This construction is rigid. It could be firm like stone, but it also can be brittle, like a mud house. The second one is building up by expanding. Then, our bodies are supple, elastic and light like a bouncing castle. It is valid not just for the body but also for the mind. “Men are born soft and supple; dead, they are stiff and hard. Plants are born tender and pliant; dead, they are brittle and dry. Thus, whoever is stiff and inflexible is a disciple of death. Whoever is soft and yielding is a disciple of life. The hard and stiff will be broken. The soft and supple will prevail.” Lao Tzu
Focused & Peripheral Vision

Vision is the closest physical aspect linked to our mind. It follows that vision is a helpful tool to switch between focused and expanded awareness. A focused vision leads to focused awareness. Peripheral vision leads to expanded awareness. With focused (tunnel) vision, you can see sharp details of a small point. Your view is narrower. Your attention flows to the point. With (expanded) peripheral vision, everything is slightly blurred, but your view is much wider. Your attention expands – you can work with more perceptions/impulses. Focused vision is good when you need to focus on one thing (e.g. one arm, one ball or one body). The problem arises when you try, with a focused vision, to keep track of more than one object, e.g. 3 limbs, 8 balls or a crowd of people. Peripheral vision is much more suitable for multitasking. You have much better spatial awareness in the expanded vision mode.
Power of Tensegrity

In essence, two mechanical systems can maintain weight: 1. compression – bracing – bracing maintains your posture primarily via the bones, joints and discs. 2. tension – hanging – hanging maintains your posture via our fasciae, tendons and muscles – tensegrity. Tensegrity helps to hold your body weight. In addition, functional tensegrity decompresses your discs, vertebrae & joints. Thus, movements are easier and smoother by decreasing the chance of injuries. In addition, it makes you feel lighter. With strong tensegrity, you can flow much smoother! Tensegrity makes our structures stronger and more elastic, similar to ropes, which strengthen the structure of tents. How do you build up stronger Tensegrity? Expand from the ground to the sky with muscles. That would demand a lot of muscle power (vital energy) and create undesirable tension. Expand from the ground to the sky by conscious expanding (especially fasciae), which is much more efficient. Using the uplifting power of Inner Fire (fire flows to the sky). It demands an expanded and relaxed body and mind to create space for Inner Fire. And be able to feel the flow of Inner Fire to harness it and let it uplift us.
Add power of Expansion

Our soft tissue (especially fasciae) exhibits different qualities depending on our emotional state. In a state of fear, the fasciae condense. When you are happy, the fasciae usually expands. However, we can consciously control the expansion and condensing of the quality of our tissue. We can add the power of conscious expanding tissue from the opposite side to the power of regular muscle contraction. We also can add the power of conscious condensing tissue from the same side. So, we can use these three sources of power: muscle contraction expanding tissue condensing tissue You can combine the muscle and expanding / condensing powers into one united movement. Using less muscle power, you become more efficient and create less tension. The power of the expanding and condensing fasciae is the secret of ‘the superhuman power’ that Cossacks and Chi Kung masters demonstrate.
Expand and Condense Body

Expanding and condensing our bodies usually happens subconsciously – depending on our emotions. However, we can expand and condense consciously by focusing our attention. You can learn a special meditation on the conscious control of our expanding and condensing body. We can expand and condense practically the whole body; however, the most significant ability to expand and condense is a fascia*. Expand The quality of Expansion makes our tissue (especially fasciae) larger or more extensive. Direction to expand: 1) From the ground to the sky. 2) From the centre to the periphery or away from the body. It could be from the core, ming men, knees, etc., towards fingers and toes. 3) 90° from the bone to the skin surface or further. Condense The quality of Condensing makes our tissue (especially fasciae) denser or more concentrated. Direction to condense: 1) To the ground. 2) From the body’s periphery (or space around) to the centre. It could be from fingers and toes towards the core, dan tian, etc. 3) 90° from the skin surface, hairs (or space around) to the bone.