Ancient training methods for warriors
As a professional martial artist and warrior, I've been looking for methods to improve my power, flexibility, relaxation, and health...
As a professional martial artist and warrior, I've been looking for methods to improve my power, flexibility, relaxation, and health...
. . Bratislava LaMond Nevädzová 4, 82101 Bratislava Nedeľa 12. januára '24 10.00 – 17.00 Cieľom kurzu je...
How would your life be without senses? Why would consciousness incarnate into matter if it couldn’t be experienced through the senses? One...
Pravilo is a specialized exercise apparatus primarily used in Russian martial arts. This device consists of suspension ropes, springs, and...
Material: 5 mm solid steel The final product is zinc galvanised.
Massage therapy is usually applied on relaxed bodies. However, massage under tension (expanding or stretching) has a new quality! When...
Between Sky and Earth by Tibi Moravcik Flow Our posture can be created as stiff and solid...
Energies flow freely if our bodies are open - expanded, and relaxed. On the other hand, condensing power creates tension,...
There are two ways to build a strong body construction… The first one is building up by shrinking and...
Vision is the closest physical aspect linked to our mind. It follows that vision is a helpful tool...
In essence, two mechanical systems can maintain weight: 1. compression – bracing – bracing maintains your posture primarily via the...
Our soft tissue (especially fasciae) exhibits different qualities depending on our emotional state. In a state of fear, the fasciae...
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